Sunday, March 4, 2012

Battlefield 2 - unlocking weapons in single player mode?

Well, I don't know if it's possible with the 1.5 patch, but my dad's a bit paranoid with the whole divorce situation, meaning no internet on the home computer (aka, the computer I play BF2 on). I can, however, play the single player offline against the AI. Is there a way to unlock the weapons for single player mode offline? I've tried doing this one where you open a whole mess of folders and open Notepad and change some zeros to ones (if you have any idea what you're talking about).

If you know of any way or can find one online, I'd really appreciate it. As much as I like the game, it's getting a bit boring with the same old hardware.Battlefield 2 - unlocking weapons in single player mode?
Editing the (\Battlefield 2\python\bf2\stats) file doesn't work anymore in the patched game, since the unlocks were hard coded into the game. The only way is to reinstall the game without patches, and edit the again.

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