Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to get my mom buy Battlefield 3?

I bought 2 games yestoday about 34.00 but how to get my mom buy me Battlefield 3 which is 60$$$$

but she dosent have lots of money like 1 million or 5 thousend. please helpHow to get my mom buy Battlefield 3?
Lol just say mommy mommy!! Can you please buy me bf3? I will do whatever you want me to do for the next 2 months. I will be a good boy and get straight A's in school. She will get it for you in a heartbeat.

Remember, you give something to her then she will give you something in return.
well you should have thought about that before having her buy other games - . -

You should ask her if you can do some chores or something....when stuff is handed to you it can create some pretty bad personality traits.... trust me I know it sounds great but I have seen some horrible child creations ;P Good luck dudeHow to get my mom buy Battlefield 3?
I find it funny that a 10 year old is asking on the Internet how to get his mom to buy Battlefield 3.

I'd say not to, and tell her that it's rated M for Mature.
paper route



bike repair

computer repair.

or, return unopened game for $34. Return second unopened game for another $34.How to get my mom buy Battlefield 3?
Are you 6 or something? In the real world, you have to earn money yourself. Just ask her if you can do some jobs around the house for money.
Get good grades

Do the chores

Wait till you are 17

Ask her on your birthday

Battlefield 3 guaranteed
You said you were 26... buy it yourself.
rob a bank or do some jobs at home

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