Saturday, March 10, 2012

What do you think about Battlefield Bad Company 2?

1: graphics

2: Controls

3:fast paced or slow paced?

4: fun?

5: is online good?

6:good weapons?

My friend said he played this game (limited edition) and he said it's not great. He said especially online, the bullet goes pretty slow and u have to shoot the opponent a little bit in front of them. is that true? maybe because he played the limited edition, do u think? but a LOT of people love this game, so answer my questions plz!What do you think about Battlefield Bad Company 2?
1- Graphics are good... Comparing them too MW2 there a little behind... but almost everything ( from fences, trees and buildings ) are destructible.. .so if you throw that in mind its even... but its still looking good.

2- controls are good ( for me ) but the knifing and grenades are wierd.. you can try diff layouts but there all wierd... and controlling vehicles takes some time...

3- Deffinently more slow paced. There can be alot of times ( depending on map and game ) where you can be almost non stop firing... but its no where near as fast paced as MW2... which to me can be a good thing. Makes it more stealthy for snipes, more about teamwork and calling out stuff

( seeing how you dont have to worry bout people spawning right next to you ) and you wont get nearly as mad... i've maybe yelled once for the 2 months or so that i've had it.. no joke... makes me feel relaxed when playing a shooter ( which is wierd )

4- I say its fun. I enjoy it alot because of alot of reasons. Most which i named above and destructible enviroments, vehicles, and when you have a good team that communicates... its really fun.

5- Yes same as above... but most people dont have/use mics sadly

6- This ones a toughy... it does have good weapons.. .but the good ones you have to earn by unlocking them ( non of the cheap " we'll start everyone with a famas" crap like MW2.. .so the better you get... the more of a tank you feel.

Bullets arent slow ( your friend is just tripping ) but this game does make it more "realistic". Meaning you have to shoot in front of someone running etc, and higher when there further away... I love that... its really more fun ( in my opinion ) when your a sniper. Especially if you every shot one from a good distance, makes you feel like its an actual gun. I say at least rent it for a day or two. I know not every game is for everyone but you should give it a chance.What do you think about Battlefield Bad Company 2? they are alright, mw2 way better

2.controls- easy paced a lot of players in one match easy kills

5.weapons not the greatest

This game is alright i mean it's more of a cartoon. Modern Warfare 2 way more realistic and actually has good online and guns. Don't get me wrong Battlefield Bad Company 2 is good, it's mainly your preference mine is MW2.

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